
Dear Friends and Neighbors,

The Mainland Policemen’s Benevolent Association is seeking your help and support.  Mainland P.B.A. Local #77 is comprised of Law Enforcement Officers from twelve Atlantic County Police agencies that serve you.  Our organization is a non-profit professional organization made up entirely of Law Enforcement Officers.  Our annual Fund Drive is the primary source of funding which enables us to continue our community involvement by supporting many programs year after year.  During the past year alone, your donations have enabled us to support officers and their families who are in need, as well as numerous organizations, some of which include: Honor Flight of Atlantic County, American Cancer Society, Education Foundations, Community Food Bank of NJ, Project Graduation, College Scholarships for local students, Alzheimer’s Association, The Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, Adelaide’s Place, AC Rescue Mission and so on.

As always, Mainland P.B.A. Local #77 DOES NOT subscribe to or participate in any type of phone or door to door solicitations.  We believe this type of solicitation by paid telemarketers is not only irritating, but yields a small percentage of the actual donation to the organization.

On behalf of Mainland Local #77 and its more than 500 Law Enforcement Officers, we would like to thank you for your continued support.

Sincerely yours,

Jeff Lancaster